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Friday, April 3, 2009

Southern SoJourn

Lisa and my bookkeeper Deborah both independently commented that my last post was BIZARRE - ending a nice rock star thread with unlinked and disconnected thoughts on taking abuse. Well, I guess it was a bit odd but I beg a little latitude because I have been UNINSPIRED recently - I don't think I'm really uninspired since it is Spring and I'm always inspired by the end of the brown season and the greeting of the green season. And it was pretty stressful to have day after day pass with no blog inspiration knowing the multitudes just out there waiting for some morsel of genius. I just think after 10 months of kickin it big time, developing/designing/selling 10 homes in 9 months (14 in 13 months), I just think I'm a bit exhausted and need a little physical and mental downtime.

Take for instance my inspiration to start my last post about the rock star with the following -

We started dancing
And love put us into a groove
As soon as we started to move
The music played
While our bodies Displayed through the dance

We started dancing
And love put us into a groove
As soon as we started to move
The music played
While our bodies Displayed through the dance

He tried pretending
A dance is just a dance
But I see
He's dancing his way back to me
He's dancing his way back to me

... but I ended up with nothing. Oh well, hopefully, I can regroup and kick start the imagination, exaggeration, and bravado before too long.

But, in the interim, here are some pics to make me seem family-oriented, well-travelled, leisurely, and, mostly, truely white bread.

Me, looking well-groomed, in our bay front room in Fair Hope. The first two nights we were there, big big storms with massive lightening and thunder blew in off the gulf bay.
Here's me and my son and lots of white linen.

And my good host Jason, striking a pose before Sunday brunch. He's pretty good looking but has serious chicken legs.

Big southern oak tree.

Pelican posse.

Lucas close up.

The ships and boats at the Grand, from our window.

Well, that's it. A nice vacation to the deep south with lots of homecooking and hospitality. Now its time to get back to work and sell some houses in this challenging environment. Just entered contract to buy 44 acres and a house for a price not seen for a few years - I'm pretty sure this isn't the end of the world, and soon enough optimism will pervade the psyche, and Catskill Farms will be there with a little house to augment those fancy life aspirations.