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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Barryville NY Christmas Tree Lighting

Like I mentioned a few days ago, we had a really great weekend of weather, with small really great snowball and snowman snow. I mean the stuff just hung together. You didn't even have to know how to professional roll a snow ball or snow man - this stuff just made you look good.

I also discovered my son Lucas is not a big fan of my new full face ski mask - really freaks him out, which makes for an interesting question of why I continue to do it to him. Toughen him up I guess.

The no-flash pic above and flashed pic below are pretty appealing, in my opinion.

Courtney and Bronson from Cottage 22 over on Tuthill Road -the first buyers over there when they signed up last early summer - came over for some eggnog, snacks that Lisa made. Real good snacks actually (I'd write hor doerves but I don't know how to spell it and don't feel like figuring it out) - it's enlivening to see Lisa still pulling culinary tricks out of sleeve after 7 years.

We all headed down to Barryville for the tree lighting and bonfire.

Here's Lisa, Lucas and our neigbor Theresa. Lisa is happy to be back from here 2 months in Russia, where all she got was that crummy hat.

My diverse talents demonstrated with some cool pics and exposure here.

OMG - that's right. Gavin's in the house - from Bella Drive fame.

And here is the picture of the Christmas tree lighting - avant garde like.

And, this photo, taken the next day is to memorialize this heavy plant on wobbly stand situation that I have proposed on several occasions was dangerous - only to be met with derision and insults.

So, when Lucas gets crushed by a potted plant falling wildly - I will definitely say 'I told you so' as well as post pictures of Lucas in the hospital with his leg in traction and white head bandages.


  1. Now I know where Lucas gets his drama queen tendencies from, the plant is the most stable living thing in our house!


  2. LOL, that's funny--it does look a little dangerous--just sayin'

  3. Denise @ Cornerstone TileDecember 12, 2009 at 10:21 AM

    lolololol, Funny Stuff!
    Awesome hat, Mrs. Petersheim.
