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Friday, January 20, 2012

Gone Fishin'

Ok - my annoyance at retarded zoning and clueless people has passed.

So, let's talk fishing. As someone who is incredibly not handy with 'projects around the house', not talented at outdoorsy stuff like hunting, gardening, fishing, it's always a challenge when I aspire to turn over a new leaf and develop that side of things.

Typically it starts and stops with a trip to an expensive outfitter like Orvis, dropping some coin, getting my line all tangled amongst a bunch of swearing and putting it all in the closet corner for some 'future usage'.

Well, I guy I know - Tony - runs a service that I've known about for a few years but for some dumb reason I never connected the dots that his services might be of a lot of interest to my homeowners and local readers.

He does fishing lessons - "fly fishing and light action spin" full and half day fishing trips on the local rivers in a driftboat.

His fishing blog -

And articles and videos -

Sounds like the perfect way to spend the afternoon with your weekend guests (or even better, impressing that weekend girlfriend who's just getting to know the area - talk about 'instant cool' and facilitated 'relations' later on.) It's amazing when you realize you live somewhere and don't take advantage of the all the reasons other people come to the area to experience - like living in NYC and never going up the Rockefeller Center or Empire State building or visiting the Intrepid.

Enjoy. Beware Tony's got an odd sense of Humor - lol.

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