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Monday, April 16, 2012

Barn VI and Ranch V going into Contract.

Well, things keep rolling in the right direction for us over here at Catskill Farms with deals being made on a house that hasn't broken ground yet (aka Barn VI) and for the rare house we have had in inventory since late last summer (aka Mid-Century Ranch V).

And here's the money shot, where Jason whips out the checkbook on the back of the tailgate besides the sticks his girls just collected in the woods where their house will be. We call it a bridge deposit and what it means is we take the property off the market and reserves it for the family until the formal contract is signed.

Sure, more cautious types might protest that giving 10 large to a stranger in the middle of the woods with no receipt or real outline of the trade except the old 'I'll build you a house, right here' is a bit foolish, but what I have realized as of late that a lot of our most recent clients have been following us for years - more than one use the phrase 'stalking' or 'I've worn your website out' or 'that analytic with the late night user, that's me!" So they know me in a way, and that's what I love about this blog and keeping our website updated - it breeds a familarity over time and I'm sure adds a real level of comfort for those about to take the plunge.

We've just re-branded our pre-sales in the design above. I'm diggin' the retro-ized feel of it. We've been trying to nail it for months and one day I arrived and the office and finally, there it was in my inbox - exactly what I was looking for.

The new family buying in Saugerties standing in front of the log tractor. Funny, we were all over that land for 30 minutes and the girls never even noticed these two monster machines - Lucas would have been peeing in his pants to get inside of them.

And Ranch V is moving towards a deal with an English woman who works at a prior customer's boyfriend's marketing company. And her English friend is thinking about buying the Shack. We have Irish customer (with the brogue and everything), Brazilian, English, American, Iranian, gay, straight, single, familied, coupled, dogged, married, divorced, old, young, middle aged, etc... It's a regular Benneton ad (not an original joke, one of my customers came up with that one).

This one bedroom 800 sq ft home on 5 acres rocks. Seriously. And talk about affordable.
The carport - need I say more.

And the hot interior, with concrete floors with radiant heat in them.

Fun apple green bath with a black and white theme.
And lest I forget to share the news, I happened to see opening night of the previews of Streetcar Named Desire. So I saw Death of a Salesman with Seymour Hoffman a few weeks prior (forgettable), then I saw Streetcar (Memorable, especially on opening night in row 2) and last year I saw How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (fun).

And I think that describes a lot of experiences - Forgettable, Memorable, and Fun. Like Speed, Price and Quality, it's hard to get all three.

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