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Friday, December 14, 2012

3rd Annual Christmas Party - December 21st

Once a year I have a party for all my vendors, supplies, employees, subcontractors, bankers, insurance agents, lawyers, PR people, local town board members, building inspectors, etc...

Most of our clients and friends aren't up on a Friday at 4 pm, but if you are (that means you Glenn!), stop by on the 21st and say hello - it's our 3rd annual.  The food, drink and entertainment is on me, where I can savor every dollar being drank and ate not just because I get to enjoy them with my friends and co-workers who I see too little, but also as one more dollar not going to Henning's Local.  It's perversely like the gift that keeps giving.

Just kidding, I'm so over that Norwegian Yahoo. Judging by the parking lot last night, they could use a party or two like this.

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