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Friday, November 12, 2010

Sullivan County Showcase Awards

The 2010 Sullivan Showcase Awards, featuring the finest architecture being offered up in Sullivan County presently, occurred last night. Catskill Farms had a good evening, with 6 nominations that evolved into finalists, and 3 winners.

Interestingly, in the under 2500 sq ft category, there were 4 nominations and Catskill Farms had them all, with the eventual winner being Norah and Jeffrey's home in Barryville, NY - Cottage 21.

I think we brought home similar honors in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008.

It's a good one - 1300 sq ft, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, a finished basement, great piece of land. They purchased it about a year ago and are settling in comfortably.

We also took home the honors for my personal residence, - "Best New Addition", and got a 'Special Award' for our part with the DIY TV show. Lisa thought that that was real perfect that I got 'the special award', but I think she was referring to 'short bus' special, not over-achiever special.

The River Reporter, our local newspaper, did a big spread on this year's entries, and ended up writing a nice article about us. I'm not sure about the 'donald trump of small homes' line, but a good article nevertheless. Just go to our Press Page, and read "Barryville Retreat'

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