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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Lucas is looking pretty good in his holiday sweater vest. People say he looks like me. I think he looks pretty seriously single-minded here - probably contemplating some serious choo-choo strategy. He's looking pretty Williamsburg.

So we had 13 people and 3 canines and 29lb turkey for Dinner. The coat racks were the first to suffer from the invasion, suffering under the weight of individual coats of assorted variety. You know it's bad when people stop even trying to find a hook and just throw them on top. That's sort of an antique standing coat rack and probably not engineered for the occasion.

The one below is a favorite of mine - just caught the light right or something - it has that still life perfection to it.
My brother arrived late night Wednesday with his 4 kids and lab/daushound (I don't know how to spell it and can't even get close enough to google it correctly). They arrived at 9:30 and were raucous and kid-like - we kept Lucas awake so he partied down until like 11 which is late for a 2 yr old.
That's Sarah and Eli above, and Marcus below.

And they really kno how to tear up a room.
My dad had been visiting us for 2 weeks prior so we had the heat WAY up, but he was still shivering away. The plant actually moves faster than him at this point. That's my bro in the near-ground.
My Dad went French this holiday, breaking out the standard French hat. All he needed was a baguette and he would be all set.
That's my martini by the plant. Right at crunch time pre-dinner I had Lisa mix my sister and me up a serious martini - and then Lisa was really put off when Cynyth my Sister was off-focus and instead helping in the kitchen went around saying 'I'm just happy, I'm just so happy". Light weight.

There she is - guilty as charged. She's so happy.

Inside the old farmhouse at Crawford Road. The woman who owned it before me was an old school cabaret singer. That's the thing about the Sullivan County section of the Catskill's - it's filled with so much under the radar cool people just doing their thing.

Theresa our neighbor holding court.

"Getting the mail" - actually smoking cigarettes! Where are we? France?

Lucas with the essentials.

And pretty much a great pic of how we all spent the day on Saturday and Sunday, catching up on some zzzzz's in the fully integrated media room. that's right - one of my long term aspirations has been achieved - the surround sound works, the playstation/dvd player works and is internet ready, I can hook my computer up to the TV, and I've extended my wireless network done into the sunken media room, which was always a tough spot for reception before.

The holidays are always a neat time for me, as a business person, because I live in the midst of my 70 homes and nothing is more satisfying than all the cars and lights on and smoke from the fireplace, and decorations at the homes we have all around time.

From a solitary kitchen light late night, to the folks who hustled up on Saturday morning after 5 other family obligations, to the stackers of firewood, to the host of the extended clan - it's really what it is all about.

Good times, in houses that work. A simple concept in a hurried world.

1 comment:

  1. Your camera is amazing! I have to have one. Happy Holidays, Brother-Man. This was a superb Thanksgiving!! (Your pictures of Lucas are truly fabulous.)
