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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birthday Bash (and New Orleans)

(this post - live, from Commons Street, New Orleans, day 1 of 8 days of pre-Mardi Gras bayou fun)

The above picture is of the Catskill Farms founder, also the owner of this blog - sporting a 3 month old beard, an expensive shirt whose top neck button won't close, and some suspenders brought out from the back of the closet. Luiz Aragon, the Sullivan County Planning Director, invited Lisa and I to join him for the Boy and Girls club fundraiser. Mr Aragon is also the owner of a new tasteful art gallery in Barryville, NY. He renovated an old barn, used our spray foam company - which leads into a funny story about his first opening on a chilly November evening, - he had cranked to cool modern wood stove, and more or less had the whole space cooking at 85 degrees due to the fact that the insulation don't mess around. It keeps in the heat.

My 41st birthday pass this past Sunday and Lisa threw me a casual surprise birthday weekend with my friends and my family.

Below is Zach and Gina who took time out of their busy schedule to spend the weekend. Zach's one of my oldest friends from my NYC days (actually nights).

Up above is Lucas' line up of boots, monster trucks and dinosaurs.

Below is a closeup of me doing my best Paul Krugman.

Dinner on Saturday night was attended by an intimate 6, plus Lisa and me. It was held at our home on Crawford Road.

Not only did the evening end with my favorite carrot cake, but the lettering was thinly sliced carrot as well. Very clever, Gina.

But, since I was nearing the end of my tolerance for the beard, I brought out the fu mung cho for the dinner party, leaving me looking like a cross between Freddy Mercury and the guy who lives down the street.

The next day we really lounged it and no one lounges better than Lucas - here he is waking up from a 3 hour big time Sunday afternoon nap.

Zach feeling the Sunday groove as well.

And some parting shots of our son, who is growing up quickly -

Below, A Coffee Table Still Life.
Jake has now crossed 100 lbs, naked.

A view from the TV room, out in the windows and into the pond.

More travel posts shortly.


  1. Great pictures! Please tell me you still have the fumanchu! It suits you. Happy Birthday, brother.

  2. I see your B-Day cake says Charles. Which do you prefer, Chuck or Charles? Looks like Lisa planned a nice birthday bash.

    Question for you regarding the 2010 Blog Cabin. Did you do the floor plan drawings or did DIY?

    DIY has not released the new 2011 floor plans as they have in the past and we (all the bloggers) are going quite nuts.

    Enjoy New Orleans!
