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Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Fever Baby

After a relentless 12 weeks of snow, ice and cold - then two weeks of rain - yesterday was 55 and today is forecasted to be 60. Nothing like a hard winter to appreciate Spring. No old timer or cliche-inclined person is going to be going around saying 'I remember when winters were tough' type of thing. This was a tough winter.

Luckily, I had my new plow-sand truck, and my plow-sand talents.

Shack 2 in the House. This house is 500 sq ft and is looking great. It's also for sale.

We used some stain accents, some fun Ikea accents (remind me to tell you about the story of buying too much at Ikea in Philly, then driving home with hardly enough room for me in the car), and a woodstove.

Stainless steel cabinets, white formica top, black faucet.

Sizable bedroom with lots of light and even a view.

Fun bath with a window in the bathtub, round mirror, red cabinet above the toilet, and a modernish vanity and toilet.

And the big bonus at this house is you have a big basement. Most of our houses have basements, but when you are dealing with this type of small house, the future basement space looms large.

I'm not sure why all my recent photos of Farm 15 have unique lighting, but it always adds a funky twist to this cool house that is done done done. And Norm's cleaning 'er up now that the ground is drying out. When we went to dig the foundation, we found a lot of big cool rocks which we use to define the landscaping. Free of charge of course.

And then I was showing off Marcus and Courtney's house on the hill - this house always looks good in the sunlight.

Then we have a few homes to start in the Spring - and I was out there with the Ken from my electric company and Mike from the electric utility company, laying out and engineering the electric infrastructure.

Matthew and Sarah's 15 acres of glory in the below pic. They are both City lawyers and have two young children.

And then this 12 acre piece, purchased for Cindy and Bruce, will sport the 1 bedroom 1200 sq ft Barn V. Bruce (a lawyer) and Cindy own a company that is near and dear to me - a real estate tax appeal company, that helps companies and individuals appeal and adjust their real estate taxes.

So, outside the town of Narrowsburg, over the last 15 months, we have introduced a plethora of cool (I was going to joke around 'not talking about you Van', but I thought it would only cause me problems of 'misunderstood humor') people. Talented, skilled diverse professionals.

2 structural engineers.
Soho art gallery owner.
NY Times fashion writer.
4 Lawyers, all with varied specialties.
Commercial interior designer.
A 'future planner'.
A Dr. of Chemistry.
(and please I hope there is no offense taken to other 8 homeowners who I don't know what they do - it's probably better, then I can't stereotype and generalize them and use them as cheap pawns in my 'lovey feeley marketing initiatives).

Anyway, it's early, the wife and dog and child and two cats are sleeping, and the sun is shining already and the house is quiet. That's definitely not a bad thing.

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